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Main papers (selected papers)

1.     Lee, W. and T.  Naito, i2002), ``Compensation rule and investment under land taking," Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 14, (1) , p.78-p.94. 

2.     Fukuyama, H. and T. Naito, (2005), ``Industrial Garbage Tax and Environmental policy game under a Two-region model," Interdisciplinary Information Science, 11, (1), p.35-p.48.

3.     Hosoe, M. and T. Naito, (2006), ``Trans-boundary pollution transmission and regional agglomeration effects," Papers in Regional Science, vol. 85, (1), p.99-p.120D

4.     Fukuyama, H.  and T. Naito, (2007), ``Unemployment, trans-boundary pollution, and environmental policy in a dualistic economy," Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 19, (2), p.154-p.172.

5.     Ikazaki, D. and T. Naito, (2008), ``Population, Technological Conversion, and Optimal Environmental Policy," The Annals of Regional Science, 42, (3),  p.705-p.724. 

6.     Ikazaki, D. and T. Naito, (2009), ``Optimal environmental and industrial policies: and imperfect agglomeration effects," Regional Science Policy and Practice, 1, (2), p.141 - p.157.

7.     Naito, T.  and H. Ogawa, (2009), ``Direct versus indirect environmental regulation in a partially privatized mixed duopoly," Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 10, 2-4, p.87-p.100.

8.     Naito, T. (2010), ``Regional agglomeration and transfer of pollution technology under the presence of transboundary pollution," Regional Science Policy and Practice, 2, (2), p.154-p.175.

9.    Naito, T. (2012), ``Urban-rural migration, unemployment, and privatization: A synthesis of Harris-Todaro model and a mixed duopoly,h Letters in Spatial and Resource SciencesC 5, p.85-p.74.

10.     Naito, T. (2013), ``Privatization of public firms and urban unemployment in an integrated economy,h@Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies,@25, (2), p.93-106. 

11.     Naito T. and T. Omori, (2014), gCan urban pollution shrink rural districts?,h Letters in Spatial and Resource SciencesC7, pp.73-83.

12.     Naito, T. (2015), ``Urban unemployment, privatization policy, and a differentiated mixed oligopoly,h Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy, ch.9. pp.131-148

13.     Kitaura, K. T. Naito, and T. Omori, (2015), gTreat the Earth: Natural environment, fertility, and government in an overlapping generations economyh, Studies in Applied Economics, 8, pp.1-13.

14.      Naito, T. and T. Omori (2016), ` Household's disaster prevention activities, agglomeration, and fconomic Growth`h, Regional Science Policy and Practice, 8 (4), pp.147-195.

15.      Naito, T. and T. Omori, (2017), ``Aging and urban Agglomeration under a multi-regional overlapping generations model,h Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 29, (2), pp.135–150.

16.      Naito, T., D. Ikazaki, and T. Omori (2017), ``Precautionary public health, ageing and urban agglomeration,h Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 1, (2), pp 655–669.

17.      Lee, K., W. Lee, and T. Naito, (2017), ``The effects of mixed oligopoly and emission taxes on the market and environment,h Korean Economic Review, 33, (2). pp.267-294.

18.      Kawasaki, A. and T. Naito, (2019),``Partial privatization under asymmetric multi-market competition,h Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 31, (1-2), pp.60–76.

19.      Hashimoto, H. and T. Naito, (2021),`` Urbanization, waitlisted children, and childcare support in a Two-region overlapping generations model,h Regional Science Policy and Practice, 13(3), pp.1068-1089.

20.      Naito, T. and H. Ogawa, (2022),`` COVID-19, Self-restraint at home, and pregnancy: Evidence from Japan,h Applied Economics LettersC29(13), pp.1234-1237.

21.      Hashimoto, H. and T. Naito, (2023)@``Does an urban childcare policy improve the nurturing environment in a city?", Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, online first.

22.      Hashimoto, H. and T. Naito, (2024)@`` Regional differences in childcare environment, urbanization, and fertility decline,h Letters in Spatial and Resource SciencesCforthcoming.

23.      Kawasaki, A. and T. Naito, (2024) ``The influence of transportation costs and environmental damage on social welfare under asymmetric multi-market mixed oligopoly". Innovation and Green Development, 100137.

24.      Hashimoto, H. and T. Naito, (2024) ``National welfare implications of regional childcare policy: A theoretical approach;. Romanian Journal of Regional Science 18(1) , 38-66.

25.      Naito, T. (2024) ``Did the self-restraint at home policy drive away the storks? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan,'' Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, forthcoming.




  1. Naito, T. (2004), The urban economic theory of regulation and environment. (in Japanese) Kyushu Univ. Press.
  2. Ikazaki, D., T. Naito, and H. Fukuyama (2009), The theoretical analysis of space and sustainable environmental policy, Taga Press.
  3. Naito, T. ed. (2015), Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy, Springer
  4. Naito, T. W. Lee, and Y.Ouchida (eds), (2017), Applied Approaches to Societal Institutions and Economics Essays in Honor of Moriki Hosoe, Springer.

As for other books or papers, please see the Japanese version.